2021 Grants Program
In December 2020, the Consortium released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for research proposals from investigators at the different consortium member institutions.
The proposals were reviewed by ad-hoc out-of-state faculty reviewers with demonstrated expertise in the respective research area. Funding recommendations were then made after thoughtful and careful consideration at the Consortium Board meeting in June.
Below is the list of the 11 awarded proposals and their principal investigators, the proposal titles, and their respective member institutions.

Acceptance of and access to medical marijuana and CBD as palliative care and hospice treatments for nursing home patients.
PI: Jennifer Attonito, PhD

Characterizing adverse drug events reports involving cannabis and cannabinoids
PI: Joshua Brown, PharmD, PhD, MS

Investigating cannabidiol anti-headache actions through PPAR signaling
PI: Andrea Cippitelli, PhD

Cannabinoid modulation of neuroinflammation in a pre-clinical animal model of anorexia nervosa.
PI: Lisa Eckel, PhD

The role of endocannabinoids and cannabinoids in the clearance of bacterial infections and macrophage polarization.
PI: Mariola Edelmann, PhD

Early Developmental Mechanisms of Action for Cannabidiol (CBD) in a Mouse Model of Anxiety
PI: Debra Fadool, PhD

CBD-induced biomarkers of inflammation reduction in people living with HIV at the single cell level
PI: Simone Marini, PhD

Evaluation of Minor Cannabinoids loaded Exosomes in Chronic Diabetic Neuropathy.
PI: Mandip Sachdeva, PhD

Alleviation of phantom limb pain in a rat model by treatment with components of Cannabis
PI: Jacqueline Sagen, PhD, MBA

Translational examination of the pharmacological interactions of medical marijuana with neuropathic pain analgesics in both young and older adults.
PI: Jenny Wilkerson, PhD

The Effect of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on Intestinal Inflammation and Fibrosis in Experimental Crohn’s disease
PI: Ellen Zimmermann, MD
Awarded investigators will be funded for the 12-month period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. During the 12-month time period, investigators will conduct research and share progress reports with the Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research.
For more details regarding the 2021 Grants Program, check out the quicklinks below.