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Collaborate on Research

Connecting and Advancing Research for Medical Marijuana Analysis

Collaboration brings research advancements to understand the clinical outcomes of medical marijuana.

The Connect and Advance Research for Medical Marijuana Analysis (CARMMA) Database connects key collaborations between researchers, physicians, and industry collaborators with the goal to increase and accelerate medical marijuana research.

Researchers, physicians, and industry collaborators can add their contact information and access the CARMMA Database at any time.

CARMMA Overview

Showcase 1

44 Researchers

Showcase 2

14 Clinicians

1 Industries

14 Industry Collaborators

as of March 2024

Joining & Accessing CARMMA

The CARMMA Database provides access to researchers, clinicians, and industry collaborators across the state of Florida interested in medical marijuana research advancement.

Individuals must join CARMMA in order to receive access to the database.

To join the CARMMA Database, all interested collaborators must meet the criteria located in the CARMMA Rules and Guidelines and complete the CARMMA Submission Form below.

CARMMA Submission Form

Graphic of a computer with the CARMMA Database View