2023 Grants Program
In October 2022, the Consortium released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for research proposals from investigators at the different consortium member institutions.
The Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research (Consortium) received 15 proposals in response to its 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP), submitted by investigators from different consortium member institutions. These proposals were reviewed by ad-hoc out-of-state faculty reviewers with demonstrated expertise in the respective research area using NIH criteria for scientific review of research proposals. Funding recommendations were made after careful consideration of the merit of each proposal and its contribution to the consortium research mission by the consortium board. The consortium research mission per statute is to contribute to understanding the effects of medical marijuana use and to promote informed decisions regarding policy and clinical practice related to the treatment of debilitating medical conditions with marijuana.
Six new awards along with two Level-2 renewals will be made in the 2023 cycle of the Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research consortium grants program. Below is the list of proposal titles, principal investigators, and respective member institutions.

Cannabinoid Treatment for Reducing Chemotherapy-Induced Cachexia and Neuropathic Pain in a Pre-Clinical Rodent Model
PI: Lisa Eckel, PhD

Impacts of Medical Marijuana Use on Inflammasome Activation and Breast Cancer Clinical Outcomes
PI: Jennifer Hu, PhD

Development of Cannabinoid Treatments to Ameliorate Methamphetamine Use Disorder
PI: Habibeh Khoshbouei, PhD

A Pilot Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Safety, Efficacy, and Acceptability Trial of a Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol Extract for the treatment of Anxiety
PI: Catalina Lopez-Quintero, PhD

Quantitative Assessment of Complex Drug-Drug Interaction Networks Involving Medical Cannabis Products in Special Populations
PI: Rodrigo Cristofoletti, PhD

Evaluation of immunomodulatory effects of chronic medicinal marijuana use and its routes of administration (smoking versus vaping) on the cerebral metabolism, morphology, dopamine (via neuromelanin MRI), and neural circuits of the whole-brain, and pain in young adults living with- and without-HIV
PI: Varan Govind, PhD

The Influence of Cannabis Smoke Condensate on Drug Metabolizing Enzymes in the Human Lung
PI: John Markowitz, PhD

Comparative evaluation of cannabinoids and opioids for treating chronic pain in aged subjects
PI: Niall Murphy, PhD