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MMJ Contact Registry Snapshots

In summer 2020, the Consortium launched the Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Contact Registry to connect people to research studies to support understanding about medical marijuana use.

People interested in participating in medical marijuana research share their contact and basic demographic information through the contact registry.

We compiled the following snapshots to showcase the distribution of participant demographics, geographic distributions, medical marijuana status, and more from the Medical Marijuana Contact Registry.

The following numbers are approximated to protect participants’ privacy. Numbers reflect data collected through April 22, 2024 unless stated otherwise.





Current medical marijuana patients


New medical
marijuana patients

This graph represents participants who have consented to join the Medical Marijuana Contact Registry and who have provided demographic information.

The following numbers are approximated to protect participants’ privacy. Numbers are updated as of April 22, 2024.

Explore the MMJ Contact Registry data


These counts represent the number of physicians, researchers, and patients serving on the Contact Registry Planning Committee and the number of clinic sites enrolling participants. These numbers are updated on an as-need basis.


Researchers, Clinicians, and Patients on Planning Committee


Clinic sites enrolling participants across the state of Florida

Geographical Distribution

The map reflects the geographical distribution of participants who signed up for Medical Marijuana Contact Registry since April 22, 2024.

Note: Recruitment partners are located throughout the state of Florida.

Areas with a robust clinic and dispensary presence will have a greater presence of participants.

Race & Ethnicity

This graph represents the self-reported races and ethnicities of participants who have signed up for the Medical Marijuana Contact Registry. *Only certain participants were asked to fill out demographic information.

Please note: any race & ethnicity with less than 10 participants has been removed to protect participants’ privacy.

Gender Identity

This graph represents the self-reported gender identities of participants who have signed up for the Medical Marijuana Contact Registry. *Only certain participants were asked to fill out demographic information.

Please note: any gender identity with less than 10 participants has been removed to protect participants’ privacy.


This graph shows age at time of enrollment for participants who have signed up for the Medical Marijuana Contact Registry.

Age ranges are provided to protect participant privacy.

Health Conditions

This graph represents the top five health conditions that participants have identified as their main reason for using or starting to use medical marijuana. Participants were able to select more than one reason.

The following numbers are approximated to protect participants’ privacy. Numbers are updated as of April 22, 2024.




Chronic pain






Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Please note: The data snapshots include the latest Medical Marijuana Contact Registry updates. The actual contact registry counts may differ from these data snapshots counts due to a delay between the time a participant consents and the time his/her record is included in the Medical Marijuana Contact Registry data that are visible in these data snapshots. The delay is a result of the time it takes for participant data to be collected and updated to these data snapshots.