Join the Medical Marijuana & Me (M3) Study!
Thank you for your interest in the M3 study! We are not currently accepting new study participants. If you would like to be contacted regarding future research opportunities, please consider joining the Medical Marijuana Center Contact Registry. More information and instructions on how to join can be found at mmjoutcomes.org/get-involved/registry/.
We thank the following for helping with recruitment. If you are a provider or clinic interested in getting involved please contact us.
Dr. Justin Davis, MD
Green Health & Wellness
Dr. Bob’s Compassion Clinic
Dr. Melanie Bone, MD
Releafe Now
Spine & Wellness Centers of South Florida

If you have questions or would like to speak to a study team member, you may call/text (352) 658-3735 or email m3cohort@phhp.ufl.edu
Learn more about the Consortium